
I'm thrilled to be joining forces with my new voice agent Michele Daeche at The Voice Agency! Click the banner below to check out her website and work, and stay tuned to hear some clips of my voice here, there and everywhere!

I'm excited to be assisting with a presentation of Aria Entertainment's Claus at the BEAM New Music Theatre Festival at the Park Theatre on March 8th in conjunction with Mercury Musical Developments and Musical Theatre Network — a great way to kick the post-show blues from Road Show (which I've now updated the reviews for
here)! Click the banner to learn more about BEAM.

One year on, and our production of She Loves Me at the Landor Theatre has been shortlisted for an Offie Award! Announcements will be made Friday, February 28th,
click here to read the full list!

Excellent start to the new year making an appearance in Macleans magazine as part of my involvement with the Canadian Musical Theatre Project at Sheridan College! Check out the article here!
