The Yoga performance series

I discovered yoga in the summer after my second year of drama school at Sheridan College in Canada, and it changed the course of my training. After practising almost daily, I returned to class in the fall to find the many barriers I had been facing in singing, dancing and acting had melted away. What’s more I felt calmer, more in control of my attention and emotions, and more able to face the new challenges that arose.

I was fortunate enough to study this phenomenon while writing my Master’s dissertation at the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama. In the Yoga Performance Series I invite you to join in the continuation of this fascination. Together we’re exploring how yoga can support technique in singing, dancing and acting, as well as assist with the unique mental health challenges facing performers of all disciplines.

Without an appreciation and a realisation of the body and its many possibilities, we cannot perform as artists.

~Michael Chekov

Yoga Voice Series

Through asana and pranayama, yoga can assist singers in fully embodying their instrument. By moving with breath and accessing the entire body we can unlock powerful and supported vocal performances.

Yoga Dance Series

This series comes back to a place of joyful movement within the dancer’s body. We discover this through movement vocabularies, free movement based on yogic postures, and considerately implemented cross-training — all the while honing our expressive bodies for stage performance.


Yoga Acting Series

Did you know Stanislavski and Chekov were both heavily influenced by yoga and yoga philosophies? These workshops build on their influence to create the conditions for active, mindful performances.

Yoga Integration Series

This is the workshop series I wish I had in college. Based on the pioneering work of Maria Kapsali and Experience Bryon, this series explores how we can integrate the three competing disciplines of singing, dancing and acting to develop a personal technique for performance in all its capacities.

Sound interesting? Let’s chat!